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Wraparound Care - Breakfast Club

Would you like to have breakfast with your friends? Come and join us around the table for a fun Breakfast time!

Breakfast club is held every morning from 7:15 until 8:30, in the Hall and costs £5 per session.   You can book in advance or bring your child as and when you need to use the club. We like to keep this flexible so we send you a bill at the end of each month. You can pay by cash, cheque (payable to Herne Junior school) or child care vouchers. We don't use parent payment facilities for this club.

There is a variety of cereal breakfast bars to choose from incase your child has already had their Breakfast. Miss Hall and Mrs Lockyer have some fun activities to keep you busy like...Lego, stacks of IQ games, bingo, WII sports, just dance and soft football.

So come and join us!

Miss Hall is a Year 3 teaching assistant, lunchtime supervisor and first aider. She also has her certificate of food hygiene.



Who does this foot belong to?                                                                 How many figures can you spot?